two students working together on the paper

two students working together on the paper

The Daily Evergreen Newsroom

The Daily Evergreen is a nationally honored newspaper that publishes daily online and weekly in print. Students of all majors and interests are hired to write stories, take photographs, and create graphics. They train one another in writing, editing, reporting, and they learn to manage staff amid a variety of crises. 

Join The Daily Evergreen staff

It's Not Easy Being Green

Challenge yourself.  Join WSU's award-winning student newspaper, the Daily Evergreen. Look for us on Handshake, or send an email to

Letters to the Editor

Typed letters to the editor may be mailed or brought to Murrow Center 122 or e-mailed to All letters under 300 words are considered for publication in The Daily Evergreen. A name, signature and phone number must accompany all letters. The Evergreen reserves the right to edit for space, libel, obscene material and clarity. Guest commentaries of 500 words or less also are considered for publication. Guest commentaries are subject to the same submission and editing guidelines as letters to the editor.

Submitting News & Announcements

Getting information into the newspaper is free but at the discretion of the student editors. To increase the chance your news gets in the paper:
  • Send in a press release. Send it via e-mail, mail or fax (contact information below).
  • Focus on how it affects students and staff/faculty.
  • Send it early.
  • Provide contact information.
  • News tips or story ideas are encouraged any time.

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 642510
Pullman, WA 99164-2510

Evergreen Newsroom, Murrow Center, Room 122

Submitting a Complaint

If you have a correction, complaint, or suggestions: